Life is in your hands

We are in our 16th year supporting organ donation and transplants.
We have answered more than 30,000 questions during this time.
We offer information on Live Organ Donation
We offer information for people who have a concern or question and don’t know

where to go
We register many Canadians to become organ donors and much more.
Your questions and concerns are answered by a live person with knowledge and experience.
We are directly responsible for saving many lives.

Any amount of support would be most appreciated,  (staff are volunteers)
James Breckenridge
President and CEO
The Sovereign Medal of Canada
The Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award.

When polled, over 81% of Canadians respond by saying they would donate their organs. Less than 35% of Canadians have made arrangements to donate their organs and tissues.

We aim to ensure that all Canadians make these life-saving decisions upon renewing their driver’s license, their health card. or here on our website.

Changing the way people think is only one facet of our mission. Our goal is to ensure that every Canadian knows about organ and tissue donation.

Our Public Service Announcements!

We wish to thank our Sponsors their generousity helps to save lives

United Way

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